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PATA programming

March 14th, 2007, 6:21

Hi ,
i'would like to write a program that can talk to PATA devices .
I'm a newby and i need some help on that .
I've read s lot of documents about this argument , so in short this is what i understood .
First of all you must scan the PCI but searching for ATA devices .
What i've not completely understood is how to find such a device .
Do u have to look at device class in PCI config header ?

After you've found the device ,you have to map I/O addresses reading them from PCI config header of the device is it right ?

Once you've got the base I/O addresses you can send commands to the selected device .

Can somebody tell me is these steps are right and if other steps are needed on order to send commands to the device ?

Thanks .
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