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HDD Scan v2.8

March 21st, 2007, 4:50

Hi All

I am new to use HDD Scan to scan my hdd , i need to knoe what is the meaning og the color during scan for green , orange and red

What is the value of this color display after we can consider is a bad hdd ?
because some time after complete scan the green is 1000 over and orange are 5 , red are 1 but no "bad " blur is "0" .
Pls advise any manual we can refer to this color value.


March 21st, 2007, 7:52

digits and colors describe time expended for checking one block on HDD (One block is 256 sectors, usually)

if time expended for checking one block between 50 and 150 milliseconds, color of that block will be green
if time expended for checking one block between 150 and 500 milliseconds, color of that block will be orange
and so on
Blue "B" and legend "Bads" describe found bad-blocks on a drive

HDD Scan v2.8

March 21st, 2007, 21:37

dear sir

Is that mean if the scan result as long as no"bad" block the hdd consider is still in good condition even gree is thousand over value and few of "red"

some time i found one "bad" i use erase to erase the block value then scan again . the hdd no more bad block value and found extra orange block "1" . is this ok also.


March 22nd, 2007, 7:59

if HDDScan found thousands of "green" blocks that means the drive has problems. On a good drive quantity of "green" blocks cannot be more than 20-50
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