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 Post subject: Problem with rescueing my HDD
PostPosted: June 8th, 2016, 14:02 

Joined: June 8th, 2016, 14:00
Posts: 1
Location: Austria
Hey guys! At first id like to apologize my bad english but all those german "pros" just dont know anything. i for my own have to say that im not that keen on knoppix but i understand a bit and im not that noobie... So guys i need your help! My girlfriends HDD crashed... Unfortunatly there is a alot of data on it and windows couldnt read the disk because of RAW. so i installed knoppix and am trying for ages to rescue her data. now i`ve messed up a lil bit i think... i wanted to copy the data via terminal (cp -r) but after two days copying only 4GB i decided to cancel that one and make on folder where only the data is which she needs. because copzing the whole windows stuff is not necessary... so after i`ve done that i had two symlinks and one folder which is stuffed with symlinks and i cant find any of the data... is there a way to rescue the data? because i could see them on knoppix but i didn`t delete anything... it should be somewhere on the disk.. please help me cause im really worried and dont know what to do... Greetz and thanks in advance!

 Post subject: Re: Problem with rescueing my HDD
PostPosted: June 8th, 2016, 14:47 
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Joined: July 12th, 2014, 6:24
Posts: 91
Location: Berlin, Germany
Hi merlinmiguel,

First you should stop hammering the drive with copy commands as the drive seems to have some mechanical problems and working on the drive the way you do might kill it. What happened to the drive, was it dropped, does it sound normal, what type of drive is it? Can you post SMART data of the drive?

If data recovery by a pro is not an option (might be not as expensive as you think), you should image the drive with tools like dmde or ddrescue to a blank hdd. data-medics has an nice tutorial how to do that: ... -t133.html

Next step would be to do a logical recovery with software like r-studio or you might even be able to mount the clone in knoppix.

But keep in mind that a proper analysis of the hdd is often critical. If heads are weak you can kill them, if the drive has media damage you can kill the heads, if you have firmware-issues, some can only be solved with special tools. If you overwrite data, even a pro will not be able to recover the data anymore.

So think twice: You data, your choice, your girlfriend :wink:

Kind regards

030 Datenrettung Berlin GmbH (Germany)
HDD, SSD, NAS, RAID Datenrettung -

 Post subject: Re: Problem with rescueing my HDD
PostPosted: June 9th, 2016, 0:07 
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Joined: August 15th, 2006, 3:01
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Location: CDRLabs @ Chandigarh [ India ]
merlinmiguel wrote:
Hey guys! At first id like to apologize my bad english but all those german "pros" just dont know anything. i for my own have to say that im not that keen on knoppix but i understand a bit and im not that noobie... So guys i need your help! My girlfriends HDD crashed... Unfortunatly there is a alot of data on it and windows couldnt read the disk because of RAW. so i installed knoppix and am trying for ages to rescue her data. now i`ve messed up a lil bit i think... i wanted to copy the data via terminal (cp -r) but after two days copying only 4GB i decided to cancel that one and make on folder where only the data is which she needs. because copzing the whole windows stuff is not necessary... so after i`ve done that i had two symlinks and one folder which is stuffed with symlinks and i cant find any of the data... is there a way to rescue the data? because i could see them on knoppix but i didn`t delete anything... it should be somewhere on the disk.. please help me cause im really worried and dont know what to do... Greetz and thanks in advance!

One German Pro Just Replied To You .The Problem is not the pros but you who does not want to shell out any payment for the job and are seeking help .

PS : PCN is a recommended Pro :mrgreen:

Amarbir S Dhillon , Chandigarh Data Recovery Labs [India]
Logical,Semi Physical And Physical Data Recovery

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