
How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?
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Author:  valeryM2006 [ December 4th, 2023, 5:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

Iurii wrote:
valeryM2006 wrote:
I read this correspondence. And it didn't cause anything but a smile on my face. :)

Many of you use this forum to promote some software. Then write your own cases or advice on recovering data from an XFS disk in response to my question. Convince me and those who will read this topic that you are right: that your software can help in this situation, or offer your solution. Perhaps readers will learn something new and find something useful on this topic.

Instead, you write anything other than what was asked. Looking for tricks in every word. You are looking for information about the author all over the Internet.

You say that I am trying to make idiots of you: but I get the opposite impression.
What is the point of a forum where discussion is impossible?

What was so spammy that I wrote? Wrote a program name other than the one you are promoting? I did not put any links and did not encourage anyone to buy anything! And many of you have done just that.

I wrote to the administrator of this forum with a request to delete this topic. I hope he satisfies it.

От непотрібно хитрожопити як москалі, і тоді все буде гаразд. Якщо в тебе є що запропонувати, то описуй це згідно правил цього форума. Тут нікому не давали змоги піарити в тупу свій софт. Інакше тут було б вже куча лінків на кучу різних сайтів. Якщо у користувачів будуть питання, от і відповідай. І так, можна порадити свій софт, якщо він реально підходить (але знову таки без лінків). І треба зважати на рівень людей, що тут пишуть, а не пропонувати рішення для чайників.

Друже, ну от ти не можеш без образ... москалі, в тупу, для чайників... Ця стрічка зайшла в глухий кут. Я згоден, що неправильно оцінив рівень даного форуму, за що отримав відповідний фідбек. Але погодься, що якби не переходити на особистості, то ця стрічка могла б вилитися в цікавий діалог. А в результаті з мене зробили ледь не спамер-бота, який ходить по всьому Інтернету і агітує купувати лайно-софт.
А я, можливо, просто хотів запропонувати людям альтернативу вже всім відомим рішенням. Наголошую - запропонувати.

Author:  Arch Stanton [ December 4th, 2023, 9:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

valeryM2006 wrote:
I read this correspondence. And it didn't cause anything but a smile on my face. :)

Many of you use this forum to promote some software. Then write your own cases or advice on recovering data from an XFS disk in response to my question. Convince me and those who will read this topic that you are right: that your software can help in this situation, or offer your solution. Perhaps readers will learn something new and find something useful on this topic.

Instead, you write anything other than what was asked. Looking for tricks in every word. You are looking for information about the author all over the Internet.

You say that I am trying to make idiots of you: but I get the opposite impression.
What is the point of a forum where discussion is impossible?

What was so spammy that I wrote? Wrote a program name other than the one you are promoting? I did not put any links and did not encourage anyone to buy anything! And many of you have done just that.

I wrote to the administrator of this forum with a request to delete this topic. I hope he satisfies it.

Nice try but that's not what happened. You pretended to be just another Joe looking for software while in fact you were setting up to introduce your own software.

I read this correspondence. And it didn't cause anything but a smile on my face. :)

That's what not so smart people tend to do when they get caught.

Author:  valeryM2006 [ December 4th, 2023, 10:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

Arch Stanton wrote:
Nice try but that's not what happened. You pretended to be just another Joe looking for software while in fact you were setting up to introduce your own software.

And you're here for altruistic reasons, aren't you? And disktuna.com is a free service for everyone?
Or is it paid? And this forum is just a tool for its promotion?

Arch Stanton wrote:
That's what not so smart people tend to do when they get caught.

Not very smart people usually write messages like this.

Author:  ddrecovery [ December 5th, 2023, 10:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

You are missing the point. No one has an issue with people promoting data recovery software. You quote Joep from DiskTuna as an example. He puts a huge amount of time and effort into helping people on this and other forums. He does this free of charge and offers sound advice. Yes of course he gets promotion for his product in his signature in return. But that the point 'in return'. It's the way you do it that pisses people off. Pretending to be someone who needs help then promoting your own software is just bad form.

Author:  Arch Stanton [ December 5th, 2023, 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

valeryM2006 wrote:

Not very smart people usually write messages like this.

Yes, apparently. Keep digging, Valery.

Author:  valeryM2006 [ December 6th, 2023, 2:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

ddrecovery wrote:
You are missing the point. No one has an issue with people promoting data recovery software. You quote Joep from DiskTuna as an example. He puts a huge amount of time and effort into helping people on this and other forums. He does this free of charge and offers sound advice. Yes of course he gets promotion for his product in his signature in return. But that the point 'in return'. It's the way you do it that pisses people off. Pretending to be someone who needs help then promoting your own software is just bad form.

Thank you for your kind reply.
I understand.
I did not make any claims to anyone and did not allow myself to offend anyone - the first. All my tactless posts, just a reply to the same ones.

Author:  fzabkar [ January 17th, 2024, 19:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?



Author:  ddrecovery [ January 17th, 2024, 19:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

:abuse: :abuse: :abuse: :abuse: :abuse:

Author:  _HetmanSoftware_ [ January 18th, 2024, 3:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

fzabkar wrote:

I have nothing to do with the topic on the forum you indicated. If that's what you meant...

Here is my topic about testing of RAID Data Recovery Software: https://forum.hddguru.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=43909
If you are interested, you can participate.

Author:  Arch Stanton [ January 18th, 2024, 7:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

And they suck at it, lol. Posting same disk management screenshot that's used in the Hetman video, hilarious!!

Seems mods deleted the threads now.

Author:  fzabkar [ January 18th, 2024, 13:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

Here he is again:


He's posting the same screenshot from Hetman's demo video.

1705588978042.jpg [ 99.28 KiB | Viewed 9084 times ]

Author:  fzabkar [ January 18th, 2024, 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

This is the same screenshot (also the same as in that Anandtech thread):


Author:  craxedunt [ May 9th, 2024, 10:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Read a XFS disk in Windows?

I don't understand why you made such conclusions?

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