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FAQ of na express and me

June 14th, 2021, 11:52

1. The na express project was started since apri 2015. The first version called sector extractor( but now it's a one of modules in naexpress only for image disk and parser&recovery filesystem, btw , se support almost all of the filesystem, more than the other tools).I have been engaged in computer forensics since 2007, you know the job need large data recovery knowlege . So i have used almost all tools, but they all have more or less shortcomings, and I decided to make a tool of my own at apri 2015.
So the project last for 6 years.
2. I wanna naexpress to be a all-in-one toolkit, and put all my work experience and knowlege into my software. But you saw the gray button on naexpress , that the function not available. Because the project is so huge, please give some patience.
3. why it looks like pc3000? I'm a customer of pc3000, I think it's a very good data recovery tool, so many people have it. So i thought these people may use naexpress easily, so part of the naexpress's GUI refer to the pc3000, but not all of them . Some people thought it's not a good way for naexpress, well I agreed and acept that , I will modify the GUI step by step with my own idea.
4. what's about the physical card? Still under develop and test. It's will be release when i think it's stable.
5. is it a virus? No, it's not . firstly I'm not a hacker, i just wanna start my own bussiness on data recovery. secondly i dont wanna get any trouble. naexp only get a hash from website that make it run normally.

lastly , i will try my best to do this job, and keep update each month. Thank you for all.

Re: FAQ of na express and me

July 7th, 2021, 1:50

this month when will u update
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