Tools for hard drive diagnostics, repair, and data recovery
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January 23rd, 2023, 17:49

Hi All

I hope i'm in the right places for this

I want to get a head tool for my wd 10jpvx

But I do not know how many heads (think that is the right term) i have to get the correct head tool

I do not want to dismantle it untill i have every thing I want.

I have got another drive from the net to get the head out of with the same modle number but not the correct date 9 months differnet

So how do I get the info from and where to get the head tool

Thanking you

Re: wd10jpvx

January 24th, 2023, 4:59

This wont end well - kitchen table head swaps are rarely successful.

Enter the full model number here and it will suggest the correct head comb. Honestly you'd do better sending it to someone with experience.

Re: wd10jpvx

January 24th, 2023, 8:37

Lardman wrote:This wont end well - kitchen table head swaps are rarely successful.

Enter the full model number here and it will suggest the correct head comb. Honestly you'd do better sending it to someone with experience.

Thank you for getting back to me and the link

Kitchen table ha ha ha ha

Might be for some but not me. i have a clean work area for hard drives etc

Just wanted the info for that drive for a head replacement tool and a donor drive

Thank you

Re: wd10jpvx

January 24th, 2023, 8:40

Lardman wrote:This wont end well - kitchen table head swaps are rarely successful.

Enter the full model number here and it will suggest the correct head comb. Honestly you'd do better sending it to someone with experience.

sorry forgot to give you the full model number


Re: wd10jpvx

January 24th, 2023, 12:00

That's an FBlite -- it's got 4 heads.
Not all of them are compatible with each other, though.

And, I totally agree with Lardman. You might have a clean work area for HDDs, but do you know how to use it? No offense -- but questions like yours usually come from inexperienced users who're trying to cut corners and save some quid --- and more often than not, it doesn't end well and they end up paying much more or have to break the bad news to their 'friend who owns the drive' (who ends up being a client) that the data is gone forever.

This might not be the case with you, but we see it every day nowadays unfortunately.

Good luck.
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