
Language in TXT files
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Author:  LeadingOboe [ November 11th, 2006, 7:11 ]
Post subject:  Language in TXT files

I've just downloaded HDDScan.

The three txt files are in Russian. Even if I could find a way to show the text in cyrillic characters, my knowledge of Rusiian isn't good enough to make much sense of it.

Does this mean that I've downloaded an application that tries to talk to me in Russian? If so, is there anywhere I can download an English version?

Author:  Doomer [ November 11th, 2006, 12:47 ]
Post subject: 

txt files wrote only in Russian (I'm sorry about that and I'll try translate files into English in future) but HDDScan has English interface and you could use it if you want
if you have any questions about HDDScan - ask me

Author:  twoshot [ April 21st, 2007, 13:58 ]
Post subject: 

Hy Doomer,
About Hddscan i got it yesterday and seems to a great tool.
Unfortunally instructions are only in Russian , of course the
interface is in english and if very clear , but seems to me that
to change AAM & APM values i have to run it from command line.
Please could write me an example line in order to use that functions ?

Thanks in advance


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