Discussions related to Atola Insight data recovery/Forensic suite, Atola Bandura standalone imager
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Atola Capabilities

April 12th, 2011, 12:10


I seem to have run into an issue with the tool I am using as far as fixing Maxtor drives with alias, 0 LAB, wherein primary head is damaged. How does Atola deal with this? Does it require the usuall boot in safe mode etc? Is it possible to redefine primary head and get the drive working again (I know Atola is primary data recovery, from what I have read so far, not so much repair).


Re: Atola Capabilities

April 14th, 2011, 13:20


Atola Insight is a data recovery solution; we concentrate most of our research and development efforts around data recovery. When it comes to hard disk repair (as opposed to data recovery), Atola Insight is of a very limited use. In your specific case you would have to use a different tool.

Re: Atola Capabilities

April 14th, 2011, 23:12

Thanks for the fast responce Dmitry. I was hoping that with the firmware support Atola has it would be able to repair/recover from this type of problem. This unit seems very powerful for what it is designed to do keep up the hard work.

Re: Atola Capabilities

May 5th, 2011, 4:02

Just to keep you updated:

Atola released a new outstanding stand allone hdd duplication and diagnostic tool
with a touch screen:

Atola Bandura

- here is the link: http://www.atola-europe.com/index.php?p ... la-bandura

There is also a comparison chart.

For those out of DR industry or pc+laptop service industry who are looking for a very,
very fast stand allone imaging tool - this might be definitely the right choice
- its the fastest imager on the market at the moment.

I made my own test with 2x 1TB Samsung HD103SJ and came to impressing 135MB/sec


Re: Atola Capabilities

May 5th, 2011, 12:15

Thanks falther. I have been thinking of getting hardware imaging unit as well as building my own for the experience. Want a quality unit so will definately keep an eye on this one.

Re: Atola Capabilities

May 6th, 2011, 5:07

IMHO, if you're thinking of getting Bandura, for the price difference, why not getting Atola Imager?

Re: Atola Capabilities

May 6th, 2011, 9:26

Good point. But I notice no mention of upgrade cost for Bandura. Of course will do detailed research before had, but to be honest I did not compare price.

Re: Atola Capabilities

May 6th, 2011, 12:37

Atola Bandura is a different (technically) unit.

here is no upgrade possible.

Where the Atola Imager, Atola Forensic Imager and the Atola Insight
are all based on the DiskSense Ethernet unit, the Atola Bandura is a
new designed tool for stand allone operation, without the need of a PC.

It has a lot of the known Atola features built in, but it really depends
on your type of business and which tools you allready have.

Best way to find the right choice - have a look on the <comparison chart>
at: http://www.atola-europe.com/

I like this new tool, besides being so fast it has a very stylish looking :oops:
but this is no argument for a technician ???


Re: Atola Capabilities

May 6th, 2011, 15:59

What about selective head and power cycle?

Re: Atola Capabilities

May 6th, 2011, 16:48

As I wrote, have a look onto the website http://www.atola-europe.com
and read the <comparison chart> and/or select Atola Bandura
or Atola Imagers and there the different features/functions -


Disk Duplication (Atola Bandura)

* 1:1 disk duplication (both disks attached to the same unit)
* Up to 8 GB/min (135 MB/s) achieved on modern disks
* Technically capable of speeds above 16 GB/min (265 MB/s)
* Imaging of only occupied sectors
* Linear and reverse imaging
* Multi-pass imaging
* Automatic soft reset, hard reset
* Adjustable automatic power cycles
* Imaging session data and logs are stored on a removable generic USB flash stick
* Ability to stop/resume duplication sessions
* Ability to specify custom pattern for unreadable sectors
* Checksum calculation: MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512

Copying by selected head is implemented for some hdd (brands / models)
in the Atola Imagers and the Atola Insight tools (but not in Atola Bandura).


Re: Atola Capabilities

May 6th, 2011, 20:07

Did not have a chance to read chart carfully. Very busy at work, quick log in and out. Thanks for the break down.
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