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TIC of Death after ATA Secure Erase.

November 20th, 2014, 9:56


Yesterday I wiped my drive with this tool and it completed the erase sucesfully but now I got the TIC of the death.

I don't care about the hard drive because it's an old ST32041A of 20GB that had a lot of bad sectors from 36400000 to the end of the drive.

Could I still reapre my drive?

Why did that happend?

Thanks and bye.

Re: TIC of Death after ATA Secure Erase.

November 20th, 2014, 14:13

enon97 wrote:Hello!
I don't care about the hard drive because it's an old ST32041A of 20GB that had a lot of bad sectors from 36400000 to the end of the drive.

Could I still reapre my drive?

Possibly, but If you don't care about the drive and it's wiped, why would you want to repair it?

enon97 wrote:Why did that happend?

The bad sectors probably killed the read/write heads during the secure erase.

Re: TIC of Death after ATA Secure Erase.

November 20th, 2014, 17:23


I want to repir it because I am bored and I want to experiment with the hard drives. I do it for learning more things.

How can the bad sectors kill the heads?

I've heard that is good to open a hard drive if you don't turn on it while openend, so maybe if it's something wrong with the heads (Dirt or something, like a VCR) I could get rid of it.

Maybe the bad sectors only have dust or mold. This are drive was founded at the street.

What do you think?


Re: TIC of Death after ATA Secure Erase.

November 20th, 2014, 18:37

You heard wrong.

It is not good to open a hard drive unless you are in a "clean room" or working in a flow cabinet.
Dust particles smaller than 1/10 the width of a hair can lodge between head and platter and damage the drive.

there shouldn't be dirt in there. and mold? definitely not.

But there is one positive thing you can do: open the drive in the cleanest environment you can. After 10 seconds, shine a light and look on the platters with a magnifying glass. Then you will see what you shouldn't open the drive. it will be impossible for you to clean it.

This will be a good learning experience - see just how fragile the insides actually are.

Re: TIC of Death after ATA Secure Erase.

November 20th, 2014, 18:41

Pienso un disco duro abandonado en la calle poco valor tiene. No merece la pena.

I think a hard drive left in the street isn't worth bothering with.

So just play with it.

Re: TIC of Death after ATA Secure Erase.

November 21st, 2014, 9:37


Thank your for your help.

I don't agree with you. I love the retroinformatic, both software and hardware. All I can repair it's worth it, because I get a new stuff to play and I learn new things.

Is any way to try to repair it?

and, How can bad sectors kill the heads?

Are there some other forums that could help me?

Is the topic in the correct cathegory?

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