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My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 8th, 2015, 7:31

My Salvation Data HD Doctor's have just about arrived in the post. What do those in the SD part of the forum generally use theirs for ?

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 8th, 2015, 7:58

I'm so sorry. I hope you didn't pay much for them. They are pretty much useless these days due to lack of updates.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 8th, 2015, 7:59

I hanged the SD Data Compass on the wall as a mental reminder not to buy stuff from China.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 8th, 2015, 8:03

Thanks, Thanks a lot! I had forgotten I owned a Salvation Data Flash Doctor for a while... Now I remember again :-( damnit. All that money..

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 8th, 2015, 13:23

Lol, well the good news is I didn't pay much at all, SD's reputation paved the way to cheapness, around the initial down payment on MRT-PRO online, aka really cheap!!

Decided it was a beginning and maybe to start slow and get a feel for things.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 8th, 2015, 14:28

thatdellguy wrote:I hanged the SD Data Compass on the wall as a mental reminder not to buy stuff from China.

Condolences aside, and much appreciated. :) I'll give you some money (not much) for your Data Compass and return a non-functional accurate replica to take its place on your wall.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 8th, 2015, 14:58

nitrious wrote:Lol, well the good news is I didn't pay much at all, SD's reputation paved the way to cheapness, around the initial down payment on MRT-PRO online, aka really cheap!!

Decided it was a beginning and maybe to start slow and get a feel for things.

Get ready to start really slow. So slow like you aren't moving...because you aren't.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 8th, 2015, 17:49

They still sell them?? :shock: :shock:

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 8th, 2015, 19:53

Sales emails are the only emails they actually answer.

There should be a law against their practices.. Oh wait! In Australia there is!

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 10th, 2015, 3:44

I bought them second hand from a guy in the US, he gave me all the warnings to (non) usability. Also I got them super cheap, with manuals etc. so I more or less got the value I paid, and he got rid of them off his shelf.

Will play around with them, see what they can do although I'm not expecting much by any means. he said around 10% of his cases got solved by them, I suspect it may even be lower.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 12th, 2015, 3:16

Well so far I like the SD stuff way better than China Tools Stuff, glaring software design issues though. Basic stuff just not done right.

Paired it up with Anne's manuals to optimize learning experience. Playing with older working HDD's first, then will try to get some broken ones.

I must say its damn near impossible to download the latest software off their website. The lack of resume and stupidly slow download limit of ~24kb/s is just a recipe for multiple retries and frustration.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 12th, 2015, 8:31

Don't be fooled by the dates on the software "updates" some of them are years old.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 14th, 2015, 5:27

Yep, I've started to see what everybody's been saying, no support for new HDD's and technology at all, basically works on years old HDD's only. The SD Forum is a joke, with everybody just left hanging out to dry.

Still I got it to learn, which I can do on older HDD's just as well as on new ones, in fact old HDD's are easier to come by, and cheaper (free). Plus I am now having the "SD experience", the real impact of tools that that don't work or perform at all and no support is all to real. I really feel for anybody trying to start a DR business with this stuff.

Also looks like the software is made with Delphi, in itself a defunct programming platform. I may try to decompile it as another exercise. if anything comes of it, I'll post here.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 14th, 2015, 6:51

Agree with everything except the Delphi comments.

A LOT of software is made with Delphi and it isn't actually that bad. It's whole premise is Rapid app dev, and if you have a glance over http://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi you will see it is far from defunct ;)

Build a common UI that works across the multiple form factors of mobile phones, tablets, and desktop systems. Most mobile development solutions do not support the creation of PC apps for Windows and OS X.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 14th, 2015, 7:13

And PC3000 suite made with Delphi by the way.

Re: My SD tools are just about to arrive, what can they do ?

June 14th, 2015, 10:01

I also used to program in Delphi for that very reason, Apps came together in no time flat and Business Apps could be put together with minimal effort.

I even had Kylix, you could make Apps for linux and Windows off the same codebase (more or less). Wan't perfect at all, then Borland just dropped Kylix at v3, good thing Mono was then produced.

Then the Delphi ecosystem got screwed up (at that stage was Delphi 7 afaik, Microsoft poached all of Borland top dev's, those are the guys that made .Net) and I had to move on, to .Net of all things. Never really looked into Delphi again after that. Glad to hear its still going though.

In fact I'm going to get it and see what its like these days.
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