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need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly ...

October 3rd, 2016, 2:41


I've registered to this board a couple of days ago, as I am trying to recover data from my broken HDD and have seen that members here are equally skilled as friendly and helpful.

Since then every time I post something, it needs to be approved by a moderator.
This message has been submitted successfully.
However, it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable.

You will be notified when your post has been approved.

I do understand that this is a measure to reduce spam / prevent bots, but as I'm interested in getting and providing feedback in order to get my problem fixed in a timely manner and have proven, that I'm not a silly bot nor spammer, I must admit that this is kind of frustrating, as it just increases the response time. Is there a way to deactivate this somehow? Sorry for complaining :roll: :(

Kind regards

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

October 3rd, 2016, 21:15


Currently we have to deal with so much spam that there is just no better choice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

There's no way to disable this per account, at least not right now - but this is on my todo list, so eventually this will be implemented.

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

July 26th, 2017, 4:25


I am new to the board, but I agree that the approval rule is poison for a quick and efficient discussion, as too many days pass until an answer can be seen. Most of us have customers waiting for a recovery, so time is money and the delay caused by waiting for answers could cost business.

Actually, in phpBB you can specify posting and approval rules per customer group. There is a group for newly registered users, which can automatically upgrade to regular users after X numbers of posts. So for example, you could configure the board in a way that after you authorized two posts by a new user, this user will automatically upgrade to a regular user and will not need authorization anymore.

This would solve the problem easily.


Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

July 27th, 2017, 1:38

drmoast, this is pretty much the way it runs currently, with some additional custom code to spot more spam.

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 4th, 2019, 11:50

I'm still waiting for my post to be approved since 2 days yet these two users registered and posted today!


You should be able to manually change a users group once it's clear a user is not a spammer so continuing to moderate them after the first post makes no sense. In any case it would be good just to get my first post approved.

Oh this post has posted without going into the mod queue, so where is the topic I posted on saturday?

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 4th, 2019, 11:59

Anyone know how to contact Dmitry Postrigan? The pm system is disabled for me too.

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 4th, 2019, 12:00

Maybe if I keep posting and hit the magic number the account won't be crippled anymore..

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 4th, 2019, 12:00

Hi hi post 4

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 4th, 2019, 12:01

Up next 5

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 4th, 2019, 12:36

Perhaps you guys should try posting to the other data recovery forum and see if the posts get approved faster (we also require moderation for the first 5 posts). I've rarely seen a post go more than a few hours before getting moderated, but that's because we've got about 6 moderators who are on there daily.

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 4th, 2019, 15:25

@Remcroft, did your post contain images or other attachments?

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 4th, 2019, 17:12

It did, images hosted on imgbox.

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 4th, 2019, 17:36

This forum is sometimes targeted by porn spam, so I'm guessing that's the reason for the delay.

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 5th, 2019, 9:27

phpBB is a spam magnet. My topic has now been appoved but it's not the original one I posted where I explained I already posted on hddoracle and got some helpful replys but my response to them is still in the mod queue, so I came here only to be sat in a moderator queue again. Please excuse me if I seem impatient, just annoyed at the spammers really, they have a lot to answer for. Thanks.

Re: need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly

November 5th, 2019, 9:36

data-medics wrote:Perhaps you guys should try posting to the other data recovery forum and see if the posts get approved faster (we also require moderation for the first 5 posts). I've rarely seen a post go more than a few hours before getting moderated, but that's because we've got about 6 moderators who are on there daily.

Thanks I'll check you out oo.
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