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How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 17th, 2019, 16:18

Hi to all, because it's my first post here.
This is about how to use binary Seagate terminal - ESLIP
I couldnt' find any info about using ESLIP, so I made my own research, using error and trial... I hope some of you will find it interesting.
ESLIP is binary terminal of Seagate - in contrary to well-known text-terminal.
ESLIP means "Extended SLIP". SLIP is a very simple net communication protocol, Many features of SLIP were adopted by Seagate, and many others were added.
1. SLIP defines 0xC0 as end-of-packet. Seagate uses "double-ended-SLIP": 0xC0 starts and ends the packet. When 0xC0 is a part of data transferred, it must be replaced with something - otherwise the receiver would think, that this is the end of the transfer. SLIP defines replacing 0xC0 in data with 0xDB,0xDC, and "0xDB" with 0xDB,0xDD. 0xDB is called "escape character" - it "escapes" real 0xC0 and 0xDB in transferred data - these two bytes cant' be used directly during data transfer to avoid confusion. "DB,DC" is called "escaped END" and "DB,DD" is called "escaped ESC". This was fully adopted by ESLIP, so if we read MBR via ESLIP, we can see at the start of sector "FA 33 DB DC" - instead of "FA 33 C0" as in original MBR.
2. Seagate added checksums to ESLIP packets.
ESLIP packet looks as follows:
C0 - [content] - C0 [checksum of content]
This is 8-bit checksum and occupies 2 bytes. So after constructing a packet, we must sum all the bytes between C0s and attach obtained 2 bytes just after second "C0".
All is little-endian in ESLIP - ports, functions, arguments, checksum etc.
3. ESLIP defines ACK and NAK -> ACK=acknowledged=packet accepted, NAK=not acknowledged=packet rejected. "ACK" is "1", "NAK" is "2", so in ESLIP language this take a form of C001C00100 [C0-"1"-C0-checksum of "1"], and C002C00200 [c0-"2"-C0-checksum of "2"].
If we got C002C00200 from disk, this usually means, that checksum of our packet is bad.
If we got C001C001000 from disk, this only means, that a FORMAT of our packet is correct - i.e. the packet has 2 "C0"s and correct checksum after. This doesnt' mean that we called correct function with appropriate parameters - we can brick the drive forever just a second after we got "ACK" from it.... :)
4. ESLIP packet in details looks as follows:
C0-[FromPort(2b)-ToPort(2b)-Length of {}(4b)-{Function(2b)-Revision(2b)-...}]-C0-[checksum of content from C0 to C0]
"Port" value is used to address requests to different groups of firmware functions. SDBP=SeagateDiagnosticBridgeProtocol uses firmware functions, which are accessible via terminal (text and/or binary). These functions are grouped as DETS=Diagnostic External Test Service, DITS=Diagnostic Internal Test Service, SelfTest, etc. To address a request to certain function category, we use ports, i.e. for DETS functions - port 7, DITS functions - port 1, SelfTest functions - port 2 etc.
"External" in DETS means, that most/all of them (I didnt' check) are accessible via text-terminal. On contrary, DITS are "internal", so functions like SetFactoryProcess or InduceSelfTestError are not accessible via text-terminal, but are accessible via binary-terminal = ESLIP.
The second part of ESLIP packet i.e. bytes after "Length", starting from "Function" and "Revision":
1) is called DFB=DiagnosticFunctionBlock, when packet is sent to drive
2) is called DSB=DiagnosticStatusBlock, when packet is received from drive. DITS functions dont' use DSB - they have output described as "[function}_ret_value".
So we send DFB and we receive DSB for DETS/ret_value for DITS.
Formats of DFB,DSB,[function]_ret are usually function-specific.
Example: GetActiveStatus
GetActiveStatus is DETS function nr 6. It's called when we request "DisplayActiveStatus" in text-terminal by pressing [dot]. Uses no arguments.
Lets' seek to CHS 567/1 (binary output will be easier understandable), request DisplayActiveStatus output in text-terminal and then switch to ESLIP mode and call GetActiveStatus in this mode:

F3 T>/2s567,1,22 -> Target User LBA 000000D451CC LLL CHS 000567.1.0000 PLP CHS 000567.1.0000
F3 2>. -> Current R/W User LBA 000000D451CC LLL CHS 000567.1.0000 PLP CHS 000567.1.0000 R/W Status 1 R/W Error 00000080 Ready
ESLIP mode
Now we send:
TX: C0 0700 0700 04000000 0600 0100 C0 1900
C0-[FromPort=7,ToPort=7,Length=4,{Function=6=GetActiveStatus,Revision=1}]-C0-[checksum 7+7+4+6+1=19]
Checksum [] is calculated from C0 to C0. Length {} is calculated from "Length" dword to C0.
We received:
RX: C001C00100
RX: C0 0700 0700 2C00 0000 0C00 0200 00000000 00010000 01000000 80000000 00 000000 CC51D400 67050000 01 00 0000 67050000 01 F4 0000 C0 8904

This is:
C001C00100 = ACK=packet accepted
C0 0700 0700 2C00 0000 = FromPort=7,ToPort=7,Length=2C
0C00 0200 00000000 00010000 01000000 80000000 00 000000 CC51D400 67050000 01 00 0000 67050000 01 F4 0000 = ActiveStatus:DataTypeId-Revision-ErrorCode(dword)-Ready(dword)-RWSenseStatus(dword)-RWErrorCode(dword)-SystemAccess(byte)-rsvd(3b)-LBA(dword)-LLL CHS: Cyl(dword)-Head(byte)-rsvd(byte)-Sect(word); PLP CHS:Cyl(dword)-Head(byte)-rsvd(byte)-Sect(word)
C0 = end of packet
8904 = checksum
Example: SpinDown using DITS function 157
We will use DITS function 157. Of course, we could use DETS function 1B or send 2>Z in text-terminal, but this example is not to spin-down, but to show how to use DITS functions :)
DITS function 157 is called "SpinupSpindown", and SpinUpFlag decides, which operation is to be performed; 0=spin-down, 1=spin-up
The packet should look as follows:
C0 0100 0100 06000000 5701 0100 0000 C0 6100
[FromPort=1=DITS, ToPort=1=DITS, Length=6, Function=157, Revision=1, SpinUpFlag=0, checksum=61]
DITS functions are kind of super-commands, and (like in disks of other manufacturers) we can get access to them only after proper autorization. In Seagate, this is made by calling "unlock" to port 1:
C0 0100 0100 08000000 FFFF 0100 9A324F03 C0 2703
[FromPort=1=DITS, ToPort=1=DITS, Length=8, Function=FFFF, Revision=1, KEY=034F329A, checksum=327]
KEY is little-endian as all in ESLIP

I attached a listing showing all this
We start the disk, and we are by default in ESLIP mode, so commands can be send without any "Ctrl-T".
TX:C0 0100 0100 06000000 5701 0100 0000 C06100 [SpinDown]
RX:C001C00100 [ACK]
RX:C0 0100 0100 10000000 72052C00000000080302000380020000 C04701 [SCSI error]
TX:C0 0100 0100 06000000 5701 0100 0000 C06100 [SpinDown]
RX:C002C00200 [NAK]
TX:C0 0100 0100 06000000 5701 0100 0000 C06100 [SpinDown]
RX:C002C00200 [NAK]
TX:C0C0C0C0 [ESLIP reset]
TX:C0 0100 0100 06000000 5701 0100 0000 C06100 [SpinDown]
RX:C002C00200 [NAK]
TX:C0 0100 0100 08000000 FFFF 0100 9A324F03 C02703 [Unlock DITS]
RX:C002C00200 [NAK]
TX:C0 0100 0100 08000000 FFFF 0100 9A324F03 C02703 [Unlock DITS]
RX:C002C00200 [NAK]
TX:1A [Ctrl-Z]
RX:0D 0A 41 53 43 49 49 20 44 69 61 67 20 6D 6F 64 65 0D 0A [ASCII Diag mode]
RX:0D 0A 46 33 20 54 3E [F3 T>]
TX:14 [Ctrl-T]
RX:0D 0A 45 53 4C 49 50 20 6D 6F 64 65 0D 0A [ESLIP mode]
TX:C0 0100 0100 08000000 FFFF 0100 9A324F03 C02703 [Unlock DITS]
RX:C001C00100 [ACK]
RX:C0 0100 0100 10000000 72000000000000080302000080020000 C01301 [SCSI OK]
TX:C0 0100 0100 06000000 5701 0100 0000 C06100 [SpinDown]
RX:C001C00100 [ACK]
RX:C0 0100 0100 10000000 72000000000000080302000080020000 C01301 [SCSI OK]

We start with SpinDown, we get ACK=correct packet, but we get 16b "SCSI-error" packet from disk. This is packet starting with "72". Why it means an error will be explained a minute later. We try to send SpinDown command two more times, but now we get NAK=packet rejected - as if the checksum was bad, but it's OK!!. ESLIP reset with C0C0C0C0 - doesnt' help. We send unlock command - also doesnt' help. So we restart the terminal - switch with Ctrl-Z to text-terminal for a moment and return with Ctrl-T to ESLIP.
Now we send commands in proper order:
1. unlock DITS -> we get ACK and proper 16b packet from disk. We unlocked DITS.
2. SpinDown -> we get ACK and proper 16b packet from disk. After ACK the disk spins down. A few seconds later we see "SCSI OK" packet. We spinned-down the disk with DITS command.
And now explanation of "SCSI-packet". This is 16b packet called DiagStatusBlock, most DITS functions uses DiagStatusBlock as its output. It's taken directly from SCSI standards. Most important values are first four:
72 - in SCSI it means "block describes current error and description is included". Seagate uses only "72" value, so it's easy to recognize this 16b packet in output - it starts from "72" and is 16b in length.
Three next bytes are:"SenseKey", "SenseCode", "SenseCodeQualifier", they give detailed description of an error, and there is no secret in it:
In Seagate docs we can read, that their codes are not "exactly" as SCSIs, but... they are enough to understand meaning of the output.
If we got 72,0,0,0 -> command was successful
If we got 72, anything other -> there was an error specified in SCSI standards.
For example, we got "72 05 2C 00" after first SpinDown attempt.
This means: 5=Illegal Request,2C00=command sequence error. We didnt' unlock DITS before calling it.
Example: ReadPhysicalSector using DITS function 135: reads 3 sectors from CHS 0/0/0
TX:C0 0100 0100 08000000 FFFF 0100 9A324F03 C02703 [Unlock DITS]
RX:C001C00100 [ACK]
RX:C0 0100 0100 10000000 72000000000000080302000080020000 C01301 [SCSI OK]
TX:C0 0100 0100 18000000 3501 0100 00000000 03000000 0000 00 000000000000000000 C05400
If someone is interested - details in next post, because it is a long story :)

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 18th, 2019, 13:07

Very interesting. Thanks. I found out for myself about ESLIP-reset. I can’t send-receive the DETS package inside the SCSI-command. You do not know how the transport operates for the transmission of DETS-DITS packets within the SCSI protocol?

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 18th, 2019, 19:28

Thanks! Very interesting!

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 19th, 2019, 19:00

Thx Spildit,E123,fzabkar :)
@E123, I permanently use your great soft to build loaders and analyze ROMs... I didnt' try to convert DETS/DITS/ST commands into CDB-compatible.
Returning to main thread, I present output of ReadPhysicalSector in ESLIP with explanation, but.... there is still a lot to understand. I got correct responses from ST31000524AS, JC45, one of these responses is presented here, but no success with Kahuna,SM28 with the same commands. Kahuna unlocks correctly, give proper responses to other ESLIP commands, but doesnt' answer to my ReadPhysicalSector attempts.

RX:0D 0A 45 53 4C 49 50 20 6D 6F 64 65 0D 0A #ESLIP mode
TX:C0 0100 0100 08000000 FFFF 0100 9A324F03 C02703 #Unlock DITS
RX:C001C00100 #ACK
RX:C0 0100 0100 10000000 72000000000000080302000080020000 C01301 #SCSI DiagStatusBlock OK

We unlocked DITS, so we can send:
TX: C0 0100 0100 18000000 3501 0100 00000000 03000000 0000 00 000000000000000000 C05400
That is:[C0]-[FromPort=1=DITS]-[ToPort=1=DITS]-[Length=18]-[Function=135=ReadPhysicalSector]-[Revision=1]-[Cylinder=0(dword)]-[Transfer=3 sectors(dword)]-[Sector=0]-[Head=0(byte)]-[9 bytes reserved]-[C0]-checksum
We got long output from disk, I attached full transfer as rtf. Here is digest of it:

C001C00100 #ACK
C0 0100 0100 F8070000 #Func=1,Rev=1,Length=7F8
72 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 03 02 00 00 80 02 00 00 #SCSI DiagStatusBlock OK
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #12b -> below about it
F7 6E DB DD F3 [...] 7F FF FE 7E #0x1F6 bytes unknown purpose
FA 33 DB DC 8E [...] 00 00 00 55 AA #Full Phys CHS 0/0/0 = MBR = Log CHS 0/0/1
F3 CB 55 AA 06 80 0D DC #8b unknown purpose
30 2F 30 2F 32 [...] 30 2F 30 2F 32 #Full CHS 0/0/1 with "0/0/2" at start&end
BA B1 2F 32 85 55 5C 5B #8b unknown purpose
30 2F 30 2F 33 [...] 00 00 00 00 00 #Incomplete CHS 0/0/2 with "0/0/3" at start
C0 51 DD #end of packet + checksum

SCSI DiagStatusBlock starts with 72,0,0,0, so it's OK
Next 12b are: Cyl(4b)-Sect(2b)-Head(1b)-rsvd(1b)-DriveFaultStatus(2b)-PreampFaultStatus(2b)
This 12b field is filled only in case of error - only then CHS and error values are set.
All this above is called "read_physical_sector_ret_value" (28b) in seagate documentation.
Next, 0x1F6 bytes of unknown purpose goes. This part is identical for 0/0/0 and 1/0/0 transfers, so it cannot be servo wedge content, as I initially thought.
Next, sectors are transferred, divided by 8b inserts. The last sector is incomplete.
Received transfer is correct, but.. protocol used by me is for sure not correct. Something is missing.... I couldnt' get transfer longer than 3 sectors, I couldnt' get any transfers on Kahuna etc. Probably SRQ must be taken into consideration in such disk requests.
Details about DiagStatusBlock:
I've attached an image comparing original SCSI (on the left and top) and Seagates' (on the right) documentation. Far right two examples of ESLIP output was shown: no-error with 72,0,0,0 and error 72,5,26,2 = "Illegal Request - Parameter Value Invalid".
(13.05 KiB) Downloaded 758 times

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 20th, 2019, 8:00

In my experiences usually it was impossible to send-receive large files. Only 1...3 sectors. Even at 38400 baud. There are random breaks in the transfer process. Also strongly influenced by BGMS. Turning it off helps, but not much.
IMHO if it is interesting to investigate the DETS-DITS command, and not the ESLIP protocol, then for this purpose it is better to use the ATA interface and the SCT protocol (as on the WD hards). The DITS and DETS commands are perfectly transmitted by this protocol. Look this: ... r5-SCT.pdf

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 23rd, 2019, 8:57

What program do you use to send binary commands?

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 23rd, 2019, 21:07

could probably use:



Tera Term

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 24th, 2019, 18:39

eaxi wrote:... I present output of ReadPhysicalSector in ESLIP with explanation, but.... there is still a lot to understand. I got correct responses from ST31000524AS, JC45, one of these responses is presented here, but no success with Kahuna,SM28 with the same commands. Kahuna unlocks correctly, give proper responses to other ESLIP commands, but doesnt' answer to my ReadPhysicalSector attempts.

Could this have anything to do with Advanced Formatting??? Is there a ReadLogicalSector command?

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 25th, 2019, 16:05

@E123: thanx for info about SCT
@BGMan:I use YAT:
Its' GUI is not ideal, but after testing Bray, Coolterm, Realterm, Hterm, Docklight, teraterm, ZOC..... , YAT seems the best for this specific purposes. It has LONG edit field for hex commands input, buttons for pre-defined commands, full session history, input and output in different colours.... etc.

@fzabkar: the same problem is with ReadLBA. I suppose this is internal buffer limitation: the output should be transferred by 0x200b blocks, as download via ESLIP does. After each block, disk should wait for confirmation of proper receiving, and then next block is sent. But I dont' know yet, how to force disk to divide the output.
Some info about how to set baud-rate in ESLIP.
This is crucial in attempts to write a disk-cloning soft working in ESLIP mode... :)
I dont' fully understand it, so I present it as is.
Predefined baud-rate values in Seagate are:
01=Baud38400, 02=Baud115200, 03=Baud390000, 04=Baud460800, 05=Baud625000, 06=Baud921600, 07=Baud1228000, 08=Baud1250000
This 1-byte codes are used to create dword parameter: "0000-value-00" which is sent from 8001 to 8002 port.
We get ACK, and we get 0x20 - which is catched by our next call: [check-SRQ]. We get ACK.
Then the disk sends "03000310" from 8002 to 8001. This is yet abstract for me.
We have to ACK it, and the new baud-rate works.
Of course, it works only if desired baud is legal. I tried to set baud-rate to "09" - out of the list - i.e. presumably faster than 1250000 -> it fails, disk answered ""03000210" in last call.

TX:C0 0180 0280 04000000 00000100 C00801 //SetESlipBaud(00000100)=38400
RX:C001C00100 //ACK
RX:20 //0x20
TX:C0 0200 0280 04000000 01000000 C08900 //[check SRQ]
RX:C001C00100 //ACK
RX:C0 0280 0180 04000000 03000310 C01D01 //8002-> 8001:03000310
TX:C001C00100 //ACK
//now works at 38400
TX:C0 0180 0280 04000000 00000200 C00901 //SetESlipBaud(00000200)=115200
RX:C001C00100 //ACK
RX:20 //0x20
TX:C0 0200 0280 04000000 01000000 C08900 //[check SRQ]
RX:C001C00100 //ACK
RX:C0 0280 0180 04000000 03000310 C01D01 //8002-> 8001:03000310
TX:C001C00100 //ACK
//now works at 115200
TX:C0 0180 0280 04000000 00000800 C00F01 //SetESlipBaud(00000800)=1250000
RX:C001C00100 //ACK
RX:20 //0x20
TX:C0 0200 0280 04000000 01000000 C08900 //[check SRQ]
RX:C0 0280 0180 04000000 03000310 C01D01 //8002-> 8001:03000310
TX:C001C00100 //ACK
//now works at 1250000
TX:C0 0180 0280 04000000 00000900 C01001 //SetESlipBaud(00000900)=???
RX:C001C00100 //ACK
RX:20 //0x20
TX:C0 0200 0280 04000000 01000000 C08900 //[check SRQ]
RX:C001C00100 //ACK
RX:C0 0280 0180 04000000 03000210 C01C01 //8002-> 8001:03000210
RX:C001C00100 //still works on previous baud = error

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 25th, 2019, 18:00

Seagate's documentation refers to YASPP. AFAICT, this is "yet another serial port program".

YASPP 10.4 (Developed by Seagate Technology):

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 25th, 2019, 20:49

@fzabkar: Frank, did you download YASPP from this site? this kind of web sites usually only steal e-mails...
An supplement: how to change baud-rate much easier, without SRQ.
RX:0D 0A
RX:52 73 74 20 30 78 32 30 4D
RX:0A 0D 52 57 3A 20 44 69 73 63 20 43 74 6C 72 20 49 6E 69 74 69 61 6C 69 7A 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 43 6F 6D 70 6C 65 74 65 64 2E 0A
RX:0A 0D 28 50 29 20 53 41 54 41 20 52 65 73 65 74 0A 0D //Rst 0x20M....(P)SATA Reset
//we start at default 38400
TX:C0 0180 0180 04000000 00000100 C00701 //SetESlipBaud(00000100)=38400 I change 38400 to 38400 :)
RX:C001C00100 //ACK from disk
RX:C0 0180 0180 04000000 03000310 C01C01 //8001->8001:03000310 disk answers: OK
TX:C001C00100 //ACK from me
TX:C0 0180 0180 04000000 00000800 C00E01 //SetESlipBaud(00000800)=1250000 I change 38400 to 1250000
RX:C001C00100 //ACK from disk
RX:C0 0180 0180 04000000 03000310 C01C01 //8001->8001:03000310 disk answers: OK
TX:C001C00100 //ACK from me
TX:C001C00100 //next ACK -> no answer = terminal doesnt’ work at 38400
TX:C001C00100 //next ACK -> no answer = terminal doesnt’ work at 38400

I switched to 1250000:
TX:1A //Ctrl-Z
RX:0D 0A 41 53 43 49 49 20 44 69 61 67 20 6D 6F 64 65 0D 0A //ASCII Diag mode
RX:0D 0A 46 33 20 54 3E //F3 T>
//Ctrl-Z works, so terminal works at 1250000

Explanation:, in brackets are my suppositions only!:
8001 is CellStatusCollectorPort [Cell is USB2UART connected to one disk]
8002 is SuperPyMRPCPort [SuperPy is a kind of supervisor over many cells in Merlin system]
Previously, I have set baud via 8002=SuperPy port. It used Service-Request to change baud and was a little complicated.
Now, I call to 8001=given cell port. This is the only "cell" in my home Seagate development environment :). It works without SRQ. Changing baud via 8001, as we can read in Seagate docs, is "deprecated" method, but still works on my ST31000524. I will check it on newer drives.

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

May 26th, 2019, 3:59

eaxi wrote:@fzabkar: Frank, did you download YASPP from this site? this kind of web sites usually only steal e-mails...

No, I didn't try. The wording sounded suspicious, and I wasn't willing to sacrifice an email address to find out.

To download YASPP, please enter your email and we will send you the link when it becomes available

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

June 4th, 2019, 10:28

Do you know the command to unlock DETS ?

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

June 4th, 2019, 16:02

DETS doesnt' require to be unlocked - it works by default because it's a background for normal text terminal. For DETS functions, you just send and get, like in GetActiveStatus example.

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

June 5th, 2019, 1:08

eaxi wrote:DETS doesnt' require to be unlocked - it works by default because it's a background for normal text terminal. For DETS functions, you just send and get, like in GetActiveStatus example.

Sorry for the stupid qestion!

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

June 18th, 2020, 9:52

eaxi wrote:DETS doesnt' require to be unlocked - it works by default because it's a background for normal text terminal. For DETS functions, you just send and get, like in GetActiveStatus example.

Not exactly. It has to be enabled:

07 00 07 00 04 00 00 00 03 00 01 00

On some drives we can can use F3 1>s command instead of clumsy ESLIP protocol.

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

November 15th, 2021, 13:05

eaxi wrote:Thx Spildit,E123,fzabkar :)
@E123, I permanently use your great soft to build loaders and analyze ROMs... I didnt' try to convert DETS/DITS/ST commands into CDB-compatible.
Returning to main thread, I present output of ReadPhysicalSector in ESLIP with explanation, but.... there is still a lot to understand. I got correct responses from ST31000524AS, JC45, one of these responses is presented here, but no success with Kahuna,SM28 with the same commands. Kahuna unlocks correctly, give proper responses to other ESLIP commands, but doesnt' answer to my ReadPhysicalSector attempts.

RX:0D 0A 45 53 4C 49 50 20 6D 6F 64 65 0D 0A #ESLIP mode
TX:C0 0100 0100 08000000 FFFF 0100 9A324F03 C02703 #Unlock DITS
RX:C001C00100 #ACK
RX:C0 0100 0100 10000000 72000000000000080302000080020000 C01301 #SCSI DiagStatusBlock OK

We unlocked DITS, so we can send:
TX: C0 0100 0100 18000000 3501 0100 00000000 03000000 0000 00 000000000000000000 C05400
That is:[C0]-[FromPort=1=DITS]-[ToPort=1=DITS]-[Length=18]-[Function=135=ReadPhysicalSector]-[Revision=1]-[Cylinder=0(dword)]-[Transfer=3 sectors(dword)]-[Sector=0]-[Head=0(byte)]-[9 bytes reserved]-[C0]-checksum
We got long output from disk, I attached full transfer as rtf. Here is digest of it:

C001C00100 #ACK
C0 0100 0100 F8070000 #Func=1,Rev=1,Length=7F8
72 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 03 02 00 00 80 02 00 00 #SCSI DiagStatusBlock OK
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #12b -> below about it
F7 6E DB DD F3 [...] 7F FF FE 7E #0x1F6 bytes unknown purpose
FA 33 DB DC 8E [...] 00 00 00 55 AA #Full Phys CHS 0/0/0 = MBR = Log CHS 0/0/1
F3 CB 55 AA 06 80 0D DC #8b unknown purpose
30 2F 30 2F 32 [...] 30 2F 30 2F 32 #Full CHS 0/0/1 with "0/0/2" at start&end
BA B1 2F 32 85 55 5C 5B #8b unknown purpose
30 2F 30 2F 33 [...] 00 00 00 00 00 #Incomplete CHS 0/0/2 with "0/0/3" at start
C0 51 DD #end of packet + checksum

SCSI DiagStatusBlock starts with 72,0,0,0, so it's OK
Next 12b are: Cyl(4b)-Sect(2b)-Head(1b)-rsvd(1b)-DriveFaultStatus(2b)-PreampFaultStatus(2b)
This 12b field is filled only in case of error - only then CHS and error values are set.
All this above is called "read_physical_sector_ret_value" (28b) in seagate documentation.
Next, 0x1F6 bytes of unknown purpose goes. This part is identical for 0/0/0 and 1/0/0 transfers, so it cannot be servo wedge content, as I initially thought.
Next, sectors are transferred, divided by 8b inserts. The last sector is incomplete.
Received transfer is correct, but.. protocol used by me is for sure not correct. Something is missing.... I couldnt' get transfer longer than 3 sectors, I couldnt' get any transfers on Kahuna etc. Probably SRQ must be taken into consideration in such disk requests.
Details about DiagStatusBlock:
I've attached an image comparing original SCSI (on the left and top) and Seagates' (on the right) documentation. Far right two examples of ESLIP output was shown: no-error with 72,0,0,0 and error 72,5,26,2 = "Illegal Request - Parameter Value Invalid".

Hello, Seagate documentation for DITS commands was mentioned here a few times, where do you (or anyone else) know if this documentation is available somewhere?

I've found old leaked documents with some (incomplete) documentation on DETS commands, but I can't find anything for DITS commands. It would be very helpful.

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

November 22nd, 2021, 3:49

You can learn about DITS commands from some python scripts in the comlect of winfof.

Re: How to speak with Seagate in ESLIP language

November 28th, 2021, 15:55

BGman wrote:You can learn about DITS commands from some python scripts in the comlect of winfof.

Thank you for the information, WinFOF does not seem to be available anywhere online unfortunately though.
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