Tools for hard drive diagnostics, repair, and data recovery
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Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

November 29th, 2020, 16:33

I have decided to do a Cyber Monday sale. I will probably only get one sale, but no one can say I didn't get into the Christmas sales spirit!

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

November 30th, 2020, 14:10

Very generous of you. It's a bit of a bargain anyway, particularly for somebody like me for whom DR is only a part of my business. You need to target computer repair businesses like mine. Most small repair businesses don't really look on DR as something they want to get involved with and if they do it at all they send the drive to professional repair companies.

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

November 30th, 2020, 15:40

I have purchased a long term license :)

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

November 30th, 2020, 16:51

maximus wrote:I have decided to do a Cyber Monday sale. I will probably only get one sale, but no one can say I didn't get into the Christmas sales spirit!

Sure, just after I finally pony up for a license.

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

November 30th, 2020, 21:29

lcoughey wrote:
maximus wrote:I have decided to do a Cyber Monday sale. I will probably only get one sale, but no one can say I didn't get into the Christmas sales spirit!

Sure, just after I finally pony up for a license.

Yeah, I did think about that when I decided to go ahead with the sale, kind of feel bad about it. But that is what you get for buying before Cyber Monday! And I really had no idea that I was going to do a sale. Maybe it will make you feel a little bit better to know that I initially screwed something up with the sale, and it cost me over an hour of extra time to create a license for the first sale purchase. Or maybe that is not enough to make you feel better… :)

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

November 30th, 2020, 21:31

alfarom wrote:Very generous of you. It's a bit of a bargain anyway, particularly for somebody like me for whom DR is only a part of my business. You need to target computer repair businesses like mine. Most small repair businesses don't really look on DR as something they want to get involved with and if they do it at all they send the drive to professional repair companies.

Yeah, I do need to try to target the computer repair technicians. It would probably help if I came up with a good sales pitch for that and put it on the home page. But being creative can take a bit of time, and I just spent some unexpected time getting a new site up and running. I have been slow to do any real advertising, as I had to build the program up to a stable point, so as to minimize support issues. I am only one person with a full time job that is not data recovery, trying to maintain and support my software on the side.

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 1st, 2020, 0:32

lcoughey wrote:
maximus wrote:I have decided to do a Cyber Monday sale. I will probably only get one sale, but no one can say I didn't get into the Christmas sales spirit!

Sure, just after I finally pony up for a license.

I paid around AU$1500 for Protel not long before it was released as freeware. That hurt a lot.

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 1st, 2020, 3:50

lcoughey wrote:
maximus wrote:I have decided to do a Cyber Monday sale. I will probably only get one sale, but no one can say I didn't get into the Christmas sales spirit!

Sure, just after I finally pony up for a license.

+1 :roll:

I think Maximus's punishment should be to put the damn file name you have open somewhere on the screen in hddscviewer ! :D

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 1st, 2020, 7:57

The license fee is so cheap, I doubt that it will have much of an impact. Cheap people will continue to use the free version.

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 1st, 2020, 21:34

lcoughey wrote:The license fee is so cheap, I doubt that it will have much of an impact. Cheap people will continue to use the free version.

I am not sure because of other posts between, but I am guessing you are referring to my comment/reply about trying to target computer repair techs. To which I say that my homepage is basic crap. If I made it more appealing to them, then more would look further into it when they visited. Make something dull look shiny and they will come…

Kind of like I thought only one would buy with my sale, and I ended up with four. The sale looked shiny.

Not like it will ever be a big thing that I can make a living from, but it is decent beer money :D

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 1st, 2020, 21:46

I think Maximus's punishment should be to put the damn file name you have open somewhere on the screen in hddscviewer ! :D

To be fair, hddscviewer is still considered beta, meaning not finished. It was my first GUI, and it was done the hard way and the code is messy. Any time I think of trying to "finish" it, I realize that I barely remember how I coded it and it would be much work, and then the urge to "finish" it goes away LOL

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 2nd, 2020, 6:43

maximus wrote:I am guessing you are referring to my comment/reply about trying to target computer repair techs. To which I say that my homepage is basic crap. If I made it more appealing to them, then more would look further into it when they visited. Make something dull look shiny and they will come…

All of this is IMHO so feel free to tell me to STFU. :lol:

Small IT aren't fussed about DR - if their usb dock or their copy of ghost from 2002 doesn't clone it, they can't profit from it.There's more money to be made upselling the customer or subbing it out.

Sudo DR are probably going to be your best market. You compare hddsuperclone against dd which is always going to be a tough sell against something which is free. Rather than saying it's 20% better than a free tool say it's 80% as good as an expensive tool at 5% of the cost. :wink: I found hddsuperclone whilst looking for the WD slow fix, having dismissed it previously as DD with lipstick on.

Looking at my box of test disks I've pushed through it now (it's been very quiet for months here) I'd say 65% I've cloned 99% and above, dead/damaged heads are around 20% and the rest are firmware, surface damage or just beyond me. If I'd have tied the relay to dd like could have achieved the same ? The fact I couldn't be bothered to try should speak volumes. Retail customers aren't going to pay the costs for HSA swaps, data just isn't worth it to most - so that's a pretty reasonable recovery rate for what *my* clients would want. I was about to buy PC3000 before the world went to shit (so glad I didn't, it would just be gathering dust with my pc3000 flash), Id already consigned the tier 2 tools to the bin as the cost / function ratios are wrong and I'd end up needing to buy PC3000 anyway.

Pro DR are happy with their PC3000 and hddsuperclone is a curiosity. You'll get a few CAL from them as compared to other tools in the trade it's dirt cheap and useful if all the channels are full.

maximus wrote:
Any time I think of trying to "finish" it, I realize that I barely remember how I coded it and it would be much work, and then the urge to "finish" it goes away LOL

Ah yes - the "what the hell was I smoking when I wrote that?" syndrome. I know it well :D

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 2nd, 2020, 8:31

Lardman wrote:Ah yes - the "what the hell was I smoking when I wrote that?" syndrome. I know it well :D

or worse: "I wish the code had been commented.. I have no idea what all this gibberish is. Who wrote this crap?! oh, wait..!"

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 2nd, 2020, 20:10

Not that this has anything to do with hddscviewer, but never drink and program. When you wake up the next day to work on the project, you will spend half your time trying to figure out wtf you did the night before. Don't ask me how I know this. Did I mention that I like beer? :lol:

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 3rd, 2020, 2:54

maximus wrote:Not that this has anything to do with hddscviewer, but never drink and program. When you wake up the next day to work on the project, you will spend half your time trying to figure out wtf you did the night before. Don't ask me how I know this. Did I mention that I like beer? :lol:

:lol: :mrgreen:
That makes two of us :P

BTW, I must have been one of the clumsiest, dirtiest coders back in the days.
I never ever used the damn // I always thought it's useless since "even a 5yo would see that this code is very simple and clear, no need to explain anything".
Until the next day...

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 3rd, 2020, 8:20

to the // syndrome:

there were cases when i spent some days to resolve some issues to accomplish a recovery and when i finally got it sorted, i thought it was such an adventure i won't forget it forever.
That forever proved to be shorter than 2 weeks when i got the next drive with similar issues :P
So i try to make notes about every little crap i find out.


Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 3rd, 2020, 18:59

To get back to a bit more serious reason that HDDSCViewer is a mess, it was my first GUI, and I did things the hard way. It is done with all code with no visual reference. With HDDSuperClone I use Glade for building the GUI, so I can see what I am doing. But with the viewer, I am blind. :roll:

It could have used more commenting, and the more I program the more I do try to put in comments where I think I will need a reminder as to what the hell I was doing. But I also make my functions and important variables with names that give information about what they are. Sometimes it takes a bit to figure something out, but I have left myself enough bread crumbs that I am usually able to figure most things out that I did in the past. But trying to visualize and modify a GUI interface from just code is a bitch. I would have to go back and learn how I did it all over again. If I ever get to it, I will redo it using Glade to make the GUI, but that is a major overhaul... :(

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 6th, 2020, 6:02

You want to try and get Rossmann chap to plug it. If he's doing videos of ddrescue running for fun with 60K views , DR paint drying he might as well make himself useful :D

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 6th, 2020, 11:32

Lardman wrote:You want to try and get Rossmann chap to plug it. If he's doing videos of ddrescue running for fun with 60K views , DR paint drying he might as well make himself useful :D

Hahaha, this fun! He's using Pink Floyd as soundtrack also.

Re: HDDSuperClone - A new Linux hard drive cloning/imaging t

December 6th, 2020, 22:44

New version released.

HDDSuperClone Changelog

version 2.2.20 20201206
* Fixed a bug with the log when out of disk space
* Fixed a bug with USB direct mode when working with card readers
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