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Thinking of selling DDI4 + Forensic, SATA, Network, USB3.0+

July 27th, 2021, 14:30

As I've been mainly using my PC-3000 pending on the offers for the DDI4 I'll consider selling it:

It has the following add-ons
- Network
- USB 3.0
- Forensic
- extra SATA ports
(and maybe one more thing I'm forgetting) ...

I can be a little slow replying as I don't login all the time.

For those offers that're compelling, I'm happy to provide the SN.
In the interim, I can ask DeepSpar and provide screenshots of
our conversation for consistent questions.

With the following caveats & provisos that cash is preferred, I may be amenable to trades (plus cash if the difference in value justifies additional cash) for desirable things at desired prices. I'd need to research which USB stab to be sure which I'd prefer.
• Ace Spider Board
• Guardonix Professional Edition
- or -
• DeepSpar USB Stabilizer
(I may already have a deal with a friend who's out of country who owns a DeepSpar stabilizer whom I need to talk to).

Re: Thinking of selling DDI4 + Forensic, SATA, Network, USB3

July 30th, 2021, 19:53

Just curious, could you PM me the price please?

Thank you.
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