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Discussions related to PC-3000
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Shrek resources required

March 31st, 2017, 5:48

I'm looking for SA mods for Shrek WD20NMVW-11W68S0 please:

ROM Modules:
ROM version............................. : 04.18M
ROM F/W version......................... : 00040018
Overlay F/W version..................... : 04.18M
Servo F/W version....................... : T4.07

Re: Shrek resources required

March 31st, 2017, 10:40

Loader enough?

(393.01 KiB) Downloaded 538 times

Re: Shrek resources required

April 3rd, 2017, 12:54

Thanks for #11, I will take all of them if you have them please?
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